E-publishing: From Print to Digital


Electronic publishing or e-publishing is becoming more prevalent thanks to the proliferation of e-readers and smartphones. E-publishing gives consumers significant advantages. Now, they can shop for books, newspapers, or any material from their homes and obtain them instantly. Companies can also benefit from e-publishing. With e-publishing, companies can advertise and sell their products online, reducing overhead costs and increasing product exposure.

On the other hand, many users still prefer printed materials. Printed copies give users the possibility of reselling or sharing their purchases. Companies can potentially lose a part of their market share if they only publish electronically. 

e-publishing allows customers bring their digital purchases everywhere

Environmental Concerns

E-publishing can also have a significant impact on the environment. E-books are not only more practical and portable but also a greener choice. “eBooks don’t require trees to be produced or even read. They’re not all green energy, due to the minerals that go into the electronics that most people prefer to read their eBooks on, but because they are meant to be used many times over, their impact is drastically less than that of print books.” [1] E-books pollute the environment minimally compared to printed books. The average e-reader only needs to be charged once every week or few weeks, depending on the activity.

The printed press industry began in the 15th century and has grown continuously since then. But, environmental concerns can hurdle the industry growth. Many countries have policies in place to preserve rainforests and limit carbon emissions.

Business Aspect

Generally, it might not be feasible for some businesses to migrate from print to digital. But luckily they don’t have too. Printed publishing is still a profitable industry with growth potential. I do not believe companies should abandon this channel yet. If companies would ultimately convert to e-publishing, they will lose part of their clientele and hurt their brand image.

Since e-publishing is still a new concept, there is a lot of room for growth. As a business model, I would suggest a horizontal growth strategy. Companies should continue their printed publishing operations, and adapt them to current requirements. Meanwhile, they can acquire more assets in the e-publishing industry. Companies may need to gain more knowledge and become proficient in the subject. Once they have obtained the experience, they can define their publishing channels. Investing in private eBook site can be costly, but will build brand awareness. Also, companies can publish their materials in 3rd parties sites.   

E-publishing is a growing industry that can bring benefits to consumers and publishing companies. Even though e-publishing offers several advantages, abandoning the printed publishing industry completely is not ideal. Now, it is prevalent for users to have a mixture of electronic and printed materials.

[1] http://goodereader.com/blog/electronic-readers/ebooks-and-the-environment-a-greener-reading-experience